Inkscape dxf elements scattered
Inkscape dxf elements scattered

You cannot register the item you purchased as a trademark or a copyright as the ownership of the items belong solely to us. Our commercial license gives you the non-exclusive rights to use our artwork meaning other parties may use the same item as well. You are not allowed to use any of our artwork as/as a part of a logo design or a brand symbol. Your end products must not be used or sold in a way that is directly competitive with our original item that you purchased.

inkscape dxf elements scattered

You cannot simply paste our images on a white page and sell the design as-is as this allows customers to simply copy and paste in any program and have access to our original art. All other digital creations are allowed as long as graphics are flattened and enough of your design is added to make it a new original design. You must add a background or images of your own design (or images you have the right to use commercially) along with our design. Files must be sold as flattened JPEG or PDF files. You can use our artwork commercially to create digital printable files for sale. Third party sale or wholesale is not allowed.

inkscape dxf elements scattered

The physical end products for sale can be sold worldwide and be sold for an unlimited number of times.

inkscape dxf elements scattered

Example for physical products are shirts, mugs, signs, prints, stickers, and more. You are allowed to use our designs on physical end products you make for sale. Commercial Use Physical End Product for Sale

Inkscape dxf elements scattered